The Punjab-Haryana High Court, in one of its important decisions, made it clear that if the pension is issued to the employee after fixing the pension, then recovery cannot be done by denying it wrong. 

The High Court gave this order while hearing a petition by Chandigarh resident Dharampal. Dharampal in his petition told the court that he retired from the Indian Army in July 1983.

 It received a notice from the central government in September 2018 regarding the issue of excess pension due to a departmental mistake. The Central Government had informed about the recovery of Rs 2,03517 from it, citing the guidelines of the Reserve Bank. 

Dharampal opposed this notice by giving a demand letter, but his demand letter was rejected by the central government. Yachty challenged this order of the Center in the High Court and demanded the cancellation of the order of recovery.

 The court questioned the decision to punish the petitioner in the case if it was not at fault. The authorities recovered 2,03517 from Yachty's pension to hide his mistake. The court has issued an order canceling the Center's recovery order, returning the recovery amount to the petitioner.

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